Sunday, 31 October 2010


"Field of dreams" This cache was attached on a pipe at the football stadium.
The clue was " come on the reds" hmmm football... YAY?

Where is it?...

Finally, a wee one that I could actually open! 

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


"Grey" was the clue here. Where do you think it is?

This is outside the Satrosphere science centre

 An wee camera film case attached with magnets well hidden at the between the box and the wall

"Howard's house" I think is my name. I hadn't written the house bit yet...

Rachel Whiteread

"Ghost" 1990

Cast of the entire inside of an old Victorian house. Shows sign of the place being lived in eg. wallpaper and specks of colour from the paintwork.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Second find.

"The Zoology Building"

Clue- "up and just over"

Who would have thought there was something more interesting behing this metal bar?!

I got to log my first one, but shortly after realised I probably should not have written my real name?! Better remember that from now on.

First successful find!

After a few failed attempts without paying too much attention to a map and having no GPS I have now had success! ( with a GPS )

"Lacey's Last Unicorn"

Clue - "It's magnetic... that should be enough of a hint!"
This one was pretty easy to find in the grounds of Kings College at Aberdeen Uni. 

The cache was described as "nano" i now understand how tiny "nano" is! 

Can you spot it?

The wee cache was attached magnetically to the chain around the unicorns neck

It was about the size of the tip of my finger!

Sadly I couldn't get this one open it was stuck... but at least I found it!


"Conceptual design company"

Interesting use of recycling and remaking, take note !

Christian Boltansky

For his 1990 Réserve, Boltanksy lined the walls of a whole room in loft-smelling hand-me-down clothes.

Convays Death and Memory.

Research artists

Sophie Calle - French Photographer , writer and installation artist. Born 1953.

"The birthday ceremony"
mixed media
Glass virtrine with assorted objects

Every year on her  birthday Sophie Calle would invite one guest for every year of her life. She asked them to take her gifts add trinkets that she would display in these glass cabinets, Each year she would box them up and replace them with the new set.

Monday, 25 October 2010


After some investigating on the internet I have found various places to go and visit to find some geocache sites. I have no GPS yet but surely a map will work?

The main website is where people post the co-ordinates of where they have hidden their cache .

It seems that people that go geocaching regularly are extremely into it. They use words to describe everything in geocache talk.
There is even a wikipedia search website solely for geocaching terms

 My favourite word i have found so far...

MUGGLE - A non-geocacher, very Harry Potter.
"The term often is used to describe impacts on a cache hunt. "I couldn't look for the cache because there were too many muggles nearby."(


Sunday, 24 October 2010

Another change?

After a pretty terrible tutorial last week i think i have a new lead .

Has anyone done this before? It sounds great.
- you get map coordinates from the website of where someone has hidden a wee box
- find the place
- find the box
- write in a wee book that you found it
- then it has something in it the you can either take and replace with something else of just leave it.

!!!! Excited YES!!!

Monday, 18 October 2010

It's all changed

From this..

To this..

Shoe tree's seem to crop up allover the world. People tie their laces together and chuck them over the branches.
People also seem to have a habit of chucking their clothing on trees too. 

So, lets look at things that get left behind/abandoned/forgotton.